Paris on my mind…
“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy.
~ Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi
I woke up this morning with a sense of misgiving. As I gathered my thoughts and planned my day, it crossed my mind that today was Friday, the 13th. Immediately that thought changed to the realization that it was also Good Friday, and all was well in my world.
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Los Angeles and I went for my morning walk in the park, breathing in the fresh air and marveling at the beauty all around me. Feeling blessed for the eyes that see, the body that moves, and for every breath that allows me to say ‘Thank You’ and feel immense gratitude to the Divine. I was oblivious to the world as I was immersed in the moment allowing such love to fill my heart and soul that I was in awe at how good God is.
Across the world, there was mayhem. I was to learn about the tragic atrocities as the day unfolded. Bombings in Beirut, Russian plane crash in Egypt, bombings at a funeral in Baghdad, the massacre at Garissa University College in Kenya, train station bombings in Ankara…
But it did not end there. My heart stopped when I heard of the tragic shootings in Paris, and I dropped to the floor and cried. And I prayed, as I have never prayed before. Dear God, let there be peace in the world. Where there is hatred, let us all sow love. Where there is darkness let there be light.
I have been fortunate enough to fall in love again and again with Paris, and now more than ever my heart is overflowing with that love for a city that has given me so much joy. Having recently returned from Paris, which always felt like home, my heart is bleeding with incredible sorrow at the senselessness of it all.
As the world mourns the horrific tragedies that are taking place across our continents, let us all remember that the only way to win is to increase the light in the world by raising our frequencies. This is the war of the light vs the dark. By lashing out we are merely adding to hatred and intolerance.
Darkness cannot exist when light is present.
Disasters such as these bring into perspective how fleeting life is. We take each day, and each other, for granted, believing that we will live forever. The truth is that this moment will never come again. This very second, even as I write this post, has already passed me by, never to be repeated. To contemplate on this truth is to wake up to the knowledge that each moment is precious, and everything that we think about, every word we speak, every act we accomplish, and every thought we send out into the world has a ripple effect. Just as the butterfly, when flapping its wings in one part of the world, will cause the atmosphere to shift, and the effect reach across oceans to every corner of the world, so in the same way do our words and actions affect the vibration we pour forth into the world. Let us all be ever mindful of what messages we are sending out.
“The only thing more powerful than hate gone viral, is love gone viral”
~ Marianne Williamson
In our experience of daily life only two choices are given us in any single moment: to live in love or in fear. A choice that is often complex. Yet the only antidote to peace or war that rages within each of us is love. Let us all choose love and spread it into the world in order to bring positive change. United in love and compassion, we can become instruments of peace. Divided in hatred and fear, the world will be a tomb.
We are all of us connected: the good, the bad and the ugly, whether we like it or not. What is in the one is in the whole. Even though we feel we are not involved, we are involved, because of this Divine connection. The sooner we come to terms with this truth, the faster the healing will occur.
Love is all there is.
Sending love and light to the world.