What is freedom?
The dictionary has given freedom several meanings but the one that describes it best is: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Freedom is not only a word, a noun, but it is also an idea.
Everybody has their own definition of freedom.
To most reasonable people, freedom means more than just ‘free to do whatever I want’. Certainly freedom does mean the right to do as one pleases—to think, believe, speak, worship (or not worship), move about, gather, and generally act as you choose—but only until your choices start to infringe on another person’s freedom.
Freedom may mean achieving your goals in life and finally having the opportunity to start your own business, or that venture that you had always dreamed of.
Freedom may mean walking away from everything and everyone you have known and to forge your own path. A path that you feel resonates more with your soul.
Freedom may mean walking away from abuse and neglect and living your life free from harm.
How easy is it to gain the freedom we all seek? How can we bask in the power of true freedom?
Here’s the article I wrote on The Huffington Post that speaks of the power of freedom:
© Rani St. Pucchi, 2016
Rani’s new book:
Your Body, Your Style: Simple Tips on Dressing to Flatter Your Body Type
is now available on Amazon Kindle: http://bit.ly/Rani-YourBody-YourStyle
For more information on Rani please visit www.ranistpucchi.com
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