“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” —Oscar Wilde

“We live in a world that seduces us to be like everyone else. The influence and hypnosis we experience through the social media, fashion magazines, and society to buy certain things, to dress a certain way, and to conform so we can belong is overpowering.

Worse still is the advice given out by style books to change the way we dress after a certain age. Women over forty, and especially those over fifty, are told to wear more subdued clothing and dress more conservatively—that they should cover up their arms, lengthen their skirts, and avoid bold prints and exuberant colors.

Personally, I feel that the most important aspect about style is to do what suits your personality and meets your personal preferences. It really is your choice.

Being original, being authentic, being yourself, and standing in your own truth—that is true power. Therefore it is extremely important that you understand your own personal style.

Style is that hard-to-define word that describes how you present yourself to the world. It is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma, an effortless confidence that you exude in being yourself, a magic wand that transforms you into a unique being.

Your style reflects who you are. It is very personal and unique to you. It is the way you dress that makes you happy, confident, and beautiful. In the process it matters not how many people you please as long as you are pleased with yourself. And it all starts with what you wear and how you present yourself to the world.

Does your wardrobe say something about you?”

The above is an excerpt from my #1 Bestseller, : Your Body, Your Style

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Listen in on this subject in my recent interview on the syndicated radio show, The Ed Tyll Show:

‪Rani – Ed Tyll Show 2.mp4

Look in your wardrobe and what do you see?

Does your wardrobe work together? If not, wouldn’t now be the time to assess who you are, what your personality is, and what you wish to convey to the world?

What is your Style?

© Rani St. Pucchi, 2017

Rani St. Pucchi is an award-winning Couture Fashion Designer, Style & Image Coach & Consultant, a Relationship Expert. She is a Bestselling Author, a Speaker, an Inspirational Success Coach and Trainer. Her #1 International Bestselling Books, Your Body, Your Style: Simple Tips on Dressing to Flatter Your Body Type and The SoulMate Checklist : Keys to Finding Your Perfect Partner are now available on Amazon and at Barnes & Nobles.

For your own personalized Styling & Image needs contact: Rani@RaniStPucchi.com
For more information on Rani please visit www.RaniStPucchi.com

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